
Pickled rocambole bulbils

Pickled rocambole bulbils

Rocambole or Sand leeks (Bendelløk in Norwegian) grow wild around Norway apparently. At least they seem to grow with a spectacularly carefree abandon inside our allotment! One of our neighbours gave us a large bag of bulbils (the teeny bulbs that appear from the flowering bit on the top) and some bulbs, in exchange for a bit of help fixing her greenhouse. 

But what to do with them all? Our neighbour mentioned that she pickles them usually, so I thought I'd give it a go. 

Kates Bendelløk Pickle Experiment

  • Enough bulbs and bulbils to fill a jar (ours was about 500ml). You'll need to remove the outer case from them, I found it easiest to rub them between my hands and then take the tray outside and blow all the papery bits off.
  • one cup of white wine vinegar
  • 1/2 a cup of water
  • 2 small dried chilis
  • 2 teaspoons yellow mustard seed
  • a small bunch of saffron fronds

add to a pot and bring to a simmer - then add

  • 1 tablespoon of honey 
  • 2 bay leaves 
  • some lemon peel

Tip the bulbils into a clean, hot (so that it doesn't crack) glass jar and fill with the liquid, cap and leave to cool down. Refrigerate for a week before taste testing. 

A letter to my grandmother

A letter to my grandmother